
中资的解释(1).中等资产。 清 蒲松龄 《 聊斋 志异· 瑞云 》:“ 馀杭 贺生 ,才名夙著,而家仅中资。” (2). 中间人 的润金。《镜花缘》第七三回:“妹子最喜做中人,希图落点中资。




  1. 中资是什么意思
  2. 中资投行怎么样?投融资靠谱吗



(1).中等资产。 清 蒲松龄 《 聊斋 志异· 瑞云 》:“ 馀杭 贺生 ,才名夙著,而家仅中资。” (2). 中间人 的润金。《镜花缘》第七三回:“妹子最喜做中人,希图落点中资。”


中的解释 中 ō 和 四方 、上下或两端距离同等的地位:中心。当中。中原。中华。 在 一定 范围内,里面:暗中。房中。中饱。 性质 或等级在两端 之间 的:中辍(中途停止进行)。中等。 中流砥柱 。 表示动作正在进行:在 研究 中。 资的解释 资 (资) ī 财物, 钱财 :资源。物资。资财。资金。资费。资料。工资。川资(路费)。 经营 工商业的本钱和财产:资本。外资。独资。合资。资方。 供给, 帮助 :资助。资送。资敌。可资 借鉴 。 智慧 能力 :资质。





Chinese Investment Banking Group (CCIB) was established in 2023 with a registered capital of 10 million yuan. Its parent company is Liu Dajia Capital Holdings Group, a professional FA institution that focuses on empowering Chinese entrepreneurs. CCIB is committed to becoming a leader in financial industry resources such as equity investment, corporate restructuring, industrial mergers and acquisitions, asset management, fund management, and investment banking services. Chinese investment banks gather global institutional investors: top investment banks, endowments from top universities, global healthcare industry funds, sovereign funds from developed countries, global pension and social security funds, overseas family trust funds, as well as insurance companies and listed companies. Firmly invest in China, focusing on investment directions such as school education, health care, hard technology, mass consumption, carbon neutrality, artificial intelligence, etc. Chinese investment banks aspire to become cross stage, cross regional, and cross industry professional investment institutions.


Liuda Steward Holdings Group covers investment and financing management in the fields of financial resources, medical resources, educational resources, human resources, technological resources, industrial resources, agricultural resources, industrial resources, internet celebrity economy, and rural revitalization economy. Chinese investment banks gather industry elites to build a professional team, relying on reliable reputation, professional operations, and efficient management to provide asset management and investment banking services at multiple levels. In the future, we plan to establish VC funds, PE funds, and M&A funds based on the different development stages of enterprises, in order to connect industries through flexible and diverse investment methods, promote the integration of industry and finance, and enhance enterprise value.


愿景:让资本发光赋能有价值的人和事Vision: Let capital shine and empower valuable people and things

使命:努力让资源共享实现无缝对接Mission: strive to achieve seamless connection of resource sharing

价值观:为客户 为公司 为员工 持续创造价值Values: create value for customers, the company and employees

经营理念:信任 高效 价值 包容Business philosophy: trust, efficiency, value inclusion

经营方略:专业化 职业化 市场化 个性化Business strategy: specialization, professionalism, marketization, personalization


董事长 刘鹏,安徽安庆人,拥有江西财经大学学士学位,现任中资投行集团CEO,兼任刘大管家控股集团、刘大管家教育科技公司董事长,创立中国校委会社群、中国师委会社群、学生家委会社群等多个社群组织,拥有全国教育行业学校资源私域流量近50万人,刘先生多年从事金融投资、产业并购、互联网、科技、教育、医疗等领域,投资经营活动遍布全国。2018年8月,受当地政府部门邀请和支持,成立刘大管家控股集团有限公司,并于2023年在风投之城合肥市政府招商引资的鼓励下,成立中资投行集团致力于成为股权投资、资产管理行业资源服务的领跑者。

Chairman Liu Peng, born in Anqing, Anhui, holds a bachelor's degree from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics. He is currently the CEO of a Chinese investment bank group and also serves as the chairman of Liu Da Guan Jia Holdings Group and Liu Da Guan Jia Education Technology Company. He has founded multiple community organizations such as the China University Council Community, the China Teachers' Council Community, and the Student Family Committee Community, and has nearly 500000 private domain traffic of school resources in the national education industry. Mr. Liu has been engaged in financial investment, industry mergers and acquisitions for many years Investment and business activities in fields such as the internet, technology, education, and healthcare are spread throughout the country. In August 2018, upon invitation and support from local government departments, Liu Da Steward Holdings Group Co., Ltd. was established. In 2023, with the encouragement of investment attraction from the Hefei Municipal Government, a venture capital city, a Chinese investment banking group was established, committed to becoming a leader in resource services in the equity investment and asset management industries.



social responsibilitySince its establishment, the company has put forward the glorious mission of "shouldering responsibility and contributing to society", and will actively participate in public welfare activities and undertakings, and practice corporate social responsibility with practical actions.




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