The members-only store sells large quantities of food and other items at discounted prices. Costco offers plenty of inexpensive items that have built up a dedicated following among members. These range from simple sauces and ingredients, to DIY meal kits, and even sporting goods equipment - not to mention the famously cheap hot dog combo.【会员制商店以折扣价出售......开市客提供.......这些商品在会员中培养了忠实粉丝。从简单的酱汁和配料,到 DIY 餐包,甚至体育用品——更不用说著名的平价热狗套餐了。】
Cult favorite items from Costco tend to be relatively inexpensive but well regarded because of their quality, and when it comes to food items, because of how tasty many consider them to be.Costco 最受欢迎的商品往往相对便宜,但因其质量而广受好评,而在食品方面,许多人觉得它们很美味。
1. Three Berry Blend 三种冻干浆果(树莓、草莓、蓝莓...)
2. Golf Balls 高尔夫球
3. Utz Cheese Balls utz芝士球
4. Walnut Halves(剥壳)核桃
5. Shelled Pistachios带壳开心果
6. Chicken Street Taco Kit 鸡肉墨西哥卷饼
7. Cream Cheese Biscuits 奶油芝士饼干
8. Seasoned Rotisserie Chicken 调味烤鸡
9. Sliced Bacon切片培根
10. Hot Dog Combo热狗套餐